Lucifer's Descendant System

Chapter 149: Great Ship

Chapter 149: Great Ship

Among the people who had already arrived for the invasion of the Fortress, there was a group of 3 young people, and 8 adults, both men and women. But instead of what would be expected when such a group got together, where young people would pay respect to their elders, this did not happen here. This was a world that was regulated by individual strength. Young people were at most 26 years old, while adults ranged between 36 and 50 years old, which meant that the potential of young people was much greater than that of adults, making the status of them quite different.

While young people could one day reach Rank C, the adults in the group did not expect that much for themselves.

"Who is this person?" A young man said with an expression of doubt.

A girl with a cold expression looked at the car with a hint of familiarity, as if she had already seen that car somewhere, but it was not something that caught her attention. "Maybe I already saw that car at one of the parties I went to, but I can\'t remember who it is."

At that moment, a young man looked at the car and recognized it immediately. "Wait, that\'s the car Robert was showing off this week on his Instagram! He told everyone how rare that red interior was, and that he was the only one in the city Eyrin who had bought a car like that. He must probably be the driver." This young man had his back to the car when he passed, so he didn\'t see who was driving when the car passed them.

"But it wasn\'t Robert driving," said the first young man.

When the car parked, it was not actually Robert who came out of the driver\'s seat, but a young man, even younger than them, maybe even 4 years younger, and the strangest thing of all was that they did not know this young man.

"This kid, where did he come from? He\'s apparently a Blessed Rank D at such a young age, with a car that costs so much money. We should at least have heard of him, shouldn\'t have we?" The first young man asked again.

Hearing this, the second young man nodded in agreement. There were probably not many Blessed Rank Ds under the age of 26 in the city, let alone one as young as the one who had just arrived. To reach a strength as young as that boy\'s, the chance of him reaching Rank C was almost guaranteed. This meant that they were currently looking at one of the city\'s future leaders.

But the question that plagued everyone\'s mind was: \'Where did this boy come from?\'

Even though none of the three recognized the boy, one of those people felt that there was something familiar about him, as if that person had already seen this boy at some point and maybe even talked to him, but she couldn\'t remember where.

Noah confirmed through code in his app that he was actually scheduled for this invasion while talking to some government agents before going to the Blessed group.

The division was very clear in front of him. The 8 older people were apparently a little intimidated by the 3 young people, while these 3 young people looked at Noah directly without even disguising the interest and curiosity they had at that time.

What Noah found interesting was that he did not expect to find a familiar face in this invasion.

Noah didn\'t have much interest in trying to get along with these people. He was always a more discreet person, who only opened himself up to people he truly trusted or would need to trust. There was no one here that met these criteria, which meant that Noah just kept listening to his music through his headset while enjoying the time he could use his cell phone technology before entering the Fortress.

But unfortunately, sometimes plans do not always work out.

While Noah listened to his music propped up against one of the park\'s trees near where the Fortress portal had emerged, other people arrived and parked their own cars in the park parking lot they were using.

Among these people there was a young man and an adult, which increased the total number of them to 14, leaving only one more person to arrive.

The young man who arrived showed the same interest as the other young people for Noah, but different from what Noah imagined, thinking that he would be would be able to listen to his music until the last person arrived so they could discuss the tactics they would use in the invasion, this young man apparently incited the rest of the group to go talk to Noah.

Noah saw the four people coming towards him and activated an option on the headset to disable acoustic cancellation. That way, he could continue listening to the music and talk to the young people in front of him without taking off his headphones.

"Hello! I am Thomas, and these are my friends and companions: Daniel, Ethan and Amber. Unfortunately I believe I cannot remember your name. Would you please tell me what it is?" The young man who just arrived, whose name was Thomas, came to talk to Noah quite naturally.

This kind of treatment of these people was quite different from what Noah was used to seeing. If he were just an ordinary Blessed young man, he would have been very happy with the way these rich young people were treating him, but Noah was very different from that.

From the body language that this "friendly" Thomas was transmitting, Noah realized that he was not being very sincere in this attitude. Noah deduced that they still had doubts about his identity, but just in case they would treat him well.

"My name is Noah." Noah said, maintaining a slightly friendly facade, just like Thomas was doing.

Upon hearing Noah\'s name, no one could remember a Noah from somewhere. It was as if this young man really just came out of nowhere.

"Okay Noah, I really like your car! It looks like the car of one of our acquaintances. He spent a lot of money to make his car unique in the city. I believe he will be a little angry when he realizes that he is no longer the only one with a car like that. Maybe you\'d need help dealing with his dad? He\'s a blessed Rank C," Thomas said in a very friendly tone.

But at that moment, while still keeping a friendly expression, Noah\'s mind was getting colder. This person was really looking to find out about his past, and the moment he offered to help deal with Robert\'s father, Noah noticed a clear expression of contempt.

It was obvious that the young man would not help Noah if he had nothing to lean on, and that was exactly what he wanted to find out: what Noah had to lean on as a background.

Noah, of course, continued acting as a young man excited to make friends and responded with an Oscar-worthy performance. "Oh no... I don\'t believe it. My family died and I have no one to help me. I arrived at Rank D yesterday and thought that with the extra money I could pay the installment of my car, which I financed, more easily."

And it was at that moment that Noah\'s eyes caught two very clear changes in expression among these people. In the first place were the young men, who clearly had an expression of contempt on their faces. It was as if they were looking at a large ship from a distance, but when they got close it was just a small canoe.

Seeing powerful Blessed Ones was rare, but the high mortality rate was a deadly reality that everyone knew. The money of a powerful sponsor was essential, and this was evidenced by the expensive weapons and armor that each one had there. But because this young man spent all the money he had received on a luxury car, with no one to support him, this aroused great contempt for each of the men there.

"Ahh, good luck then. I hope the owner of the other car just like yours doesn\'t get too upset." Thomas had a much more forced expression, apparently controlling himself a lot not to show the lack of interest he had for Noah now. In his mind, Noah was just a soon to be dead boy, who might not even survive this Fortress. \'Maybe I can do Robert a favor by dealing with this boy?\' Thomas thought as he looked at Noah\'s car and knew how much Robert liked his unique design.

But the change of expression of the young people was not the only one that happened there, the girl of apparently 23 years old also had a changed expression. But not as if she also felt contempt, but as if she recognized what had just happened from somewhere.

Her mind was working at high speed, thinking about where she would have met this young man before, but she couldn\'t find the answer anywhere. She felt as if there was only a single clue missing for her to realize where she knew this young man from.

She felt it only after the mysterious young man heard Thomas talk about the Blessed Rank C, Robert\'s father. She saw this young man acting as if he were really afraid of the man, which was normal when talking about people with the city\'s peak powers. But there was something she noticed about this young man with the knowledge of body language that she had noticed somewhere before.

\'He\'s not really afraid of any of these people, not of us Rank D, not even Robert\'s father who is Rank C... Wait, I remembered!\' She thought when the expression on her face changed from cold to pleasant surprise.


Please read the author\'s notes down here! hehe :3 ↓↓↓

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