Quick Transmigration: Homewrecker System! [BL]

Chapter 217 - 8.24

The Giant Moth roared at General Vega and flew towards General Vega. It had a giant pair of brown wings and spikes around its neck instead of hair. The Giant Moth hovered in front of General Vega passively. In fact, since the very beginning, the Moth didn\'t seem to attack at all.

It just flew around passively and dodged whenever the other Lieutenants tried to attack it. 

Two Lieutenants who were handling the Giant Moth wanted to help their General. But General Vega ordered them not to follow him, "Go and help the rest handle the Zergs! We may have a chance to win this if we can kill the Giants!"

"Yes, Sir!" The Lieutenant Generals helped the soldiers to kill smaller Zergs. While General Vega was facing the Giant Moth alone. He never fought a Giant Moth before. He didn\'t know the correct approach yet.

It was best to just attack from afar.

General Vega used his machine gun and fired bullets at the Giant Moth. The Giant Month finally reacted by using its wing to blow away the bullets. General Vega peered at the Giant Moth and changed the bullets into needles. 

He fired again, and the Giant Moth did the same thing. It flapped its wings once, and the needles just got blown away. Even General Vega was also pushed a bit. 

The wings were obviously very powerful. Since it could blow away bullets with one flap and also the mech even though it weighed tonnes. General Vega concluded that he couldn\'t touch the Moth with projectiles at all.

[Why do we have a Mothra in this world? At least, if she is here, we should have Godzilla in our side!]

[Pupa: Well, actually, there is an alpha who has the capability as good as real Godzilla, but he is currently having sex with another omega. While you are busy here fighting for your life. How tragic.]

[Hey! What\'s with that insult! I\'m yet to prepare my come back!]

[Pupa: I am just stating the truth.]

[You don\'t need to rub the salt on my wound, goddamn it!]

General Vega gritted his teeth and decided to just charge straight with his drill. He charged in without trouble until he got close toward the Moth. The Giant Moth retreated while flapped its wings a few times.

  "Aaaahh!" General Vega was blown away quickly, alongside a few Lieutenants and soldiers. The soldier formation was scattered when the wind blew them away. Few flaps from the Giant Moth could easily change the tide of war. General Vega needed to quickly find a solution and defeat this Giant Moth before it destroyed everything with its wings. 

Since he knew the Giant Moth was fragile without its wings, he needed to rip the wings first or just dove straight to the delicate body to kill it. 

General Vega looked around his surrounding and saw a massive boulder that he threw. General Vega dismantled its machine gun hand. He took a deep breath and lifted the boulder. General Vega aimed towards the Giant Moth Direction and threw it, "Eat this!"

The Giant Moth looked at the boulder directed at her. It flew away to dodge it, obviously, but the Giant Moth didn\'t know when it had successfully avoided the rock. General Vega was already in front of the Moth with his giant drill directed towards the Moth\'s heart.

The Giant Moth tried to flap its wing, but it was too late. The Giant Moth shrieked when General Vega drilled its body, "DIEEE!!"

The Giant Moth loud painful shriek was heard across the battlefield. 

"RAARGH!!" General Vega maximized the strength of the drill and killed the Giant Moth easily. The Giant Moth fell to the ground as the ground was shaken. General Vega stared at the Giant Moth attentively. He thought he had achieved victory, although something was a bit weird because the Giant Zergs were usually not that easy to defeat.

He hovered above his soldiers and said, "GIANT MOTH HAS BEEN SLAINED! WE WILL WIN THIS!



The loud chants of General Vega were heard across the battlefield. He was enjoying this… before Pupa suddenly warned him.

[Pupa: Dodge to the left now!]

General Vega instinctively dodged to the left and saw a Giant Wasp that almost killed him by piercing his stomach with its sharp sting!

[Wait! What is this?! They have a reinforcement as well?!]

[Pupa: No, only the Giant Wasp. He and that Moth you killed right now are allied to each other.]

General Vega gritted his teeth. The loud buzzing sound from the Wasp took everyone\'s attention, and the smaller Zergs were fighting more voraciously after the Giant Wasp arrived. 

General Vega prepared his weapon again to attack the Wasp. The drill spun again as General Vega ready for an attack.

However, before he could initiate an attack, the Giant Wasp disappeared out of his sight. Like a ninja, it appeared behind General Vega and pierced General Vega\'s left arm with its sting, "Argh!"

General Vega tried to retreat, but the Giant Wasp was indeed too fast for him. It attacked again by piercing General Vega\'s right arm. 

General Vega\'s Mech Armor on his arms was destroyed, and he gradually couldn\'t feel his hand at all. Turned out, the Wasp had a paralyzing effect as well. 

"GENERAL!" The Lieutenants tried to help the General, but General Vega shouted at them, "DON\'T COME HERE! THIS WASP IS DANGEROUS! GO HELP OTHERS INSTEAD!"

"But General, you obviously can\'t fight it yourself! Let us help!" the moment one Lieutenant said that, the Giant Cockroaches started slamming its head towards the Sweren Wall. Everyone watched in horror as they saw the wall begun cracking.


[Pupa: So heroic. You do know that you cannot do anything here, right? Your arms have been severely wounded. There is no way you can win the battle. Especially since that Giant Wasp is too fast for your current body.]

[I know. I just want to hold on a bit longer to lure this Wasp out.]

The Giant Wasp was waiting for General Vega to move again. The Wasp was ready to kill, and General Vega provoked by saying, "I killed that Moth! You should kill me if you can!"

The Giant Wasp was angered when General Vega pointed at the Moth on the ground. It dashed fast towards General and chased him, who tried to fly as far as possible from the battlefield. 

When they were already quite far from the battlefield, the Giant Wasp attacked again and destroyed the jet fuel for the mech, and General Vega fell to the ground. 

He looked upward to see the Giant Wasp ready to kill him with its sting. 

"What are you waiting for? Kill me!" General Vega yelled. 

[Pupa: So you are going to die like this?]

[Yes! But I have a surprise. You see, I have a bomb planted inside the mech. If I want to do it, I will detonate the bomb and kill both this Wasp and me. I will wait until he pierced my stomach, and I will explode!]

[Pupa:… not going to lie, you are really heroic here.]

[Well, if you think so, then gift me by giving me smexy world next! I\'m too tired of fighting again and again!]

[Pupa:… Okay.] 

General Vega was ready for his death. His hand was only one click away from detonating the mini-nuke inside the mech body. The Giant Wasp flew up high, ready to pierce the General with its full strength, maybe as a form of revenge for killing that Giant Moth.

[Ah… unfortunately, Altair is not here, I cannot fill my dramameter…]

The Giant Wasp dove fast towards General Vega\'s chest. General Vega closed his eyes, ready for the Wasp to pierce his heart and then he would detonate.

One second… two seconds… three seconds…

There was no pain for General Vega, but there was a sound of something being struck, accompanied by a shriek.

General Vega opened his eyes, and he couldn\'t believe what he was seeing.

General Vega saw a blazing red mech with SSS on it. He saw a man with red hair and torn red suit inside the mech, but his wrist was bandaged and bloodied, alongside his head that had dried blood smeared on his forehead down to his temple and cheek. 

However, all those wounds didn\'t hide his handsome and fierceness. He glared at the Giant Wasp, whom he just kicked a few seconds ago. 


Altair gnashed his teeth, he pointed his mech hand to the Giant Wasp, "YOU DARE TO HURT MY OMEGA! I WILL RIP YOUR WINGS OUT!" 

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