Re: The Villainess Does It With Class

Chapter 197 - The Arcane Tower

It\'s happening. It\'s finally happening. 

I have been looking forward to visiting the tower for a long time already and it\'s finally going to happen today. Who would have thought? I mean, wasn\'t I totally avoiding anything that has any involvement with the arcane tower before? I steered clear from it like it was some entrance to hell.

Looking back, the Nadia from before who always shudders from the mere mention of the tower… I don\'t know, it\'s kind of off-putting really. I just realized how stupid it was to get anxious about something that has the lowest probability to happen. After all, I wasn\'t the same psycho lady who occupied this body beforehand, who is capable of committing crimes and won\'t be on any naughty list, if the tower has any, for sure. For the tower doesn\'t give a single fvck about a person like me, and yet I acted like a pansy bitch.

Hey, in my defense, I am more scared of Janus than anything else. He\'s like a boogeyman to me. Especially when you know something that others don\'t. 


Just having those flashbacks playing inside my head, was kind of making me amused of myself from before. If the past me just knew that one day in the future, she would readily enter the tower herself, she would probably faint from shock. 

Well, that was then and this is now. I am even so excited at the moment that I couldn\'t sit still. Nathan is just there, sitting in front of me within the carriage, and probably silently judging me or something. Kuro also came along with us. With his natural size, he naturally can\'t possibly fit in with us and would break the carriage if he did. But because my adopted anima is a talented one, he can shrink to whatever size he wants.

He\'s now resting beside me, swishing eight of his tails lovingly. Did I say eight? Yes, I did say eight. It would be crazy if he turned out to be that legendary nine-tailed fox because I will literally flip!

"Say, Nathan. Would the tower let us in if we just go there without any prior notice?" I asked him just for the sake of confirming something.

I mean, if it is really not possible for anyone to just enter the tower without the owner\'s permission, based on my observation with the books about magic, then we can\'t go in.

It wouldn\'t be an issue for me because Janus just gave me an invitation a while ago. But I wanna check just to make sure.

"About that, the lowest floor is open for selected people only. Those who have the highest authority like the palace historian, the palace doctor, the prime minister, the royal family, and some others," Nathan responded.

"And?" I prodded.

Nathan nonchalantly shrugged his shoulders.

"I\'m one of some others."


I wonder what he meant by that, though? Why would he just call himself some others and not his position as the captain of the royal knights? 

"But am I allowed?"

Nathan glanced outside.

"We\'ll see…"

I stared at him for a moment, mentally shaking my head. What if it\'s not allowed to bring someone who is not on the roster? Then my visit would be meaningless.

We then finally arrived in the palace and are currently making our way to the famed tower. I was both nervous and excited but the latter part just won over everything else. My hands were itching to touch new books, to learn new things, and to be taken on a new journey. I was practically dragging Nathaniel along even though he\'s supposed to lead me. My brother, seeing how excited I am, chuckled in amusement.

What\'s so fascinating about the Arcane Tower is that it doesn\'t have a gate protecting its surrounding property. It was just a wide expanse of green land and then a tower. I stopped walking to appreciate the beauty of the building first, looking up and trying to make out the topmost floor. But of course, it would be impossible because it is too high up for me to see. My neck would snap if I tried more.

You would know how obsessed they are with gold because the outside is also decorated with it. It looks so grand that it overshadows the beauty of the palace. And even if we were just standing outside, I could already feel magic in our surroundings. It was heavy with it, so it made me aware that even without a protective wall, there are already precast spells and barriers to ward off people. 

I am truly in the arcane tower. Finally.

"Let\'s go," said Nathan, who then walked ahead without me.

I immediately followed after him, getting more and more thrilled as seconds passed by.

\'Oh my goodness, oh my goodness…\'

What does the interior look like? I\'m so curious!

The tower also has no door, by the way. So one could just enter without turning a knob or knocking if they have to… But I would bet my whole fortune that the entranceway is enchanted with magic and would catapult anyone uninvited.

Nathan easily got in, that much is obvious. I didn\'t hesitate to follow his steps and I did get in without a hitch. But I did feel a faint magic spell. It was very thin but it was there. I wonder whether I could experiment in the near future by asking someone to walk in and see what happens.

When that time comes, I just hope it doesn\'t kill them or anything…

Anyway, as soon as I got a good look at my surroundings, I gasped.


It was already big just by looking outside, but it\'s more spacious than I thought. Probably due to magic. Something to do with space expansion, probably. The walls are so tall that one would have to tip their heads back to see the end. It was also littered with shelves and shelves of books and different artifacts. 

I don\'t even know where to look first or how to describe what I am seeing right now. It was overwhelming and was completely bombarding my senses left and right. Everywhere I look, there\'s just something amazing and out of this world.

But there\'s one thing I can guarantee. The interior and everything else are heavily influenced by gold.

The floor… the ceiling… the levitating spheres… the chairs and tables… the paintings and some more stuff lying around…


There\'s just gold anywhere. The farthest the eyes could see… There\'s gold. I was gaping, alright. 

How much gold do they own anyway?! This is just too… extravagant... Even the empire doesn\'t have this much! Probably...

The palace also has gold things but it doesn\'t reach even half what the tower has. And to think that this is just the ground floor…

"Oh, dear…"

Say, Mr. Arcane Tower owner… Whoever built this place… Do they have a gold addiction or what?

Maybe that\'s just how magicians are? I don\'t really know… Remembering Janus himself, he wears it too. His dangling earring is one example and his ring… There are gold accents on his clothes and robes too. And don\'t forget his magic spells… and eyes…

Maybe it\'s a norm? I haven\'t seen Solomon nor the second owner of the tower, so I have no idea if they too have something like that.

"Man… If someone ever robbed this place… They can just take anything and it will already last them for a lifetime…" I mumbled under my breath.

"If they have what it takes…" someone chirped in. It wasn\'t Nathan.

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